My Yarchei Kallah Adventure

Posted on December 25, 2014

When you think about winter break, typically you think about sitting on a beach in Aruba or scuba diving in the Bahamas. I’m sure one of the last things you might think of is going on an educational adventure in Stamford, Connecticut. About three weeks ago I decided that I was going to go on Yarchei Kallah, a five-day “Shabbaton” where I would go on a unique spiritual journey through Judaism and explore what it means to be Jewish.

So there I was at eleven o’clock in the morning waiting for the bus to come, anxiously preparing to begin my journey. We left Maryland a half hour late and after an 8-hour bus drive, I finally arrived at the Stamford Hilton where all the magic would be happening. Right away, I was swept off the bus and taken directly to the introduction — where I was mesmerized by incredible videos and animations that were put together by the truly amazing NCSY staff. Straight from there I went to the first shiur (class) of the program, where we took a close look on the Torah, Nevi’im, and the Kituvim. I was amazed to find out that although I knew what these books were, there was always more to learn, and that’s the power of Jewish text. No matter how many times I look at the particular text, I am always fascinated by it and I can always learn something completely new. We ended off the night with Maariv and snacks, and I was able to be with my friends from TJJ who I haven’t seen in a long time, and that was truly amazing.

Looking forward, I am extremely excited to see what this Yarchei Kallah adventure has to offer and how I can become a better person and a better Jew. I couldn’t ask for better advisors and better roommates, and I’m off to a great start!


Ethan Dalva, 10th grade  – Winston Churchill High School