Ready Set…. The Torah Learning Begins

Posted on December 25, 2013

The learning began the second I stepped on the bus, not because it was scheduled, but because I surrounded by teens who have a thirst for Torah learning and advisors who are passionate beyond belief.  The Canada bus had the largest contingent of public school teens out of all the NCSY regions. Everyone at a different level of learning with unique perspectives, yet we can discuss in a loving respectful way. Before I knew it I had stayed up the entire ten-hour bus ride from Toronto to New York City discussing Torah values. Never before in my life have I had such an experience or felt such a strong sense of connection.

At opening ceremonies I was sitting in a room with three hundred and nineteen other teenagers, and I could feel the energy. There was this electric wave of shared excitement as people cheered at the welcoming speeches, and what was everyone so excited for? To grow and to learn! This is exactly what I wanted to get out of Yarchei Kallah, to be surrounded and inspired by people who are personally dedicated to growth. Taking on Torah values can be hard coming from a non-religious background, even with the most supportive and loving family. Today I had the experience of helping my friends bless their food before they ate and at the end of the meal asking my other friend to help me bench.

Hannah smiles as she opens up her first book she received at National Yarchei Kallah.

Hannah smiles as she opens up her first book she received at Yarchei Kallah.

I love my NCSY friendships because we are trying out and discussing things that are new to us, together.  I walked out of the washroom and randomly asked a girl what the prayer is when you leave the washroom. Immediately, one of my advisors grabbed my hand and took me to the Beit Midrash where she taught me the significance of the prayer the beauty of making the physical spiritual. Being surrounded by people who live and love Torah makes it so easy to ask questions and do my own investigating. So far my Yarchei Kallah experience hasn’t just been about learning, but also about experiencing.

Coming into Yarchei Kallah I was nervous about what the atmosphere would be like. Having now been here, I would describe the atmosphere to be simply inspiring.  In my chaburah (learning) group, we discussed the story of Cain and Abel, and reflected upon Cain’s inherent attribute of jealousy. We all opened up and talked about our personal struggles with jealousy.

Overall my first day of Yarchei Kallah has been inspiring.


Hannah Spiro, Junior at A.Y. Jackson Secondary School