Stephen Hawking is famously credited with saying, “Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.” If we cannot predict what lies ahead, then the key to success is the ability to adapt—quickly and effectively—to whatever comes our way.
A leader’s ability to adapt and be flexible is critical, not only in navigating an ever-changing landscape but also in responding to the evolving needs of your team. Sometimes this requires swift action, while at other times, true adaptation means taking the necessary time to create lasting change.
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, z’l, speaks to this in his Seven Principles of Jewish Leadership:
“When Moses asks God to choose his successor, he says: ‘May the Lord, the God who gives breath to all living things, appoint someone over this community to go out before them and come in before them, who will lead them out and bring them in’ (Num. 27:16-17).
Why the apparent repetition? Moses is saying two things about leadership. A leader must lead from the front: he or she must ‘go out before them.’ But a leader must not be so far ahead that, when they turn around, they find no one following. They must ‘lead them out,’ meaning they must carry people with them and set a pace that others can sustain.
One of Moses’s greatest frustrations—evident throughout the biblical narrative—is how long it takes for people to change. Ultimately, it would take a new generation and a new leader to guide the Israelites across the Jordan into the Promised Land. This reflects the wisdom of the rabbinic teaching: ‘It is not for you to complete the task, but neither are you free to desist from it.’ Leadership requires a delicate balance between impatience and patience. Move too quickly, and people resist or rebel; move too slowly, and they become complacent. True transformation takes time—often more than a single generation.”
Flexibility is the willingness to adapt and evolve. A great leader understands that they are not perfect and that the way they lead today may not be the right way to lead tomorrow.
Change can bring stress and a sense of loss, but a strong leader helps their team navigate those challenges by embracing change themselves. A true leader is like Nachshon — courageous enough to step into the sea first—and like Moshe, who walks through it alongside everyone, guiding them forward.