Upload Your NCSY Photos

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3 Ways to Get us Your Pictures:

1. Upload them using the form below (if they’re not in digital format, scan them or take a picture with your phone)
2. If your photos are already online (Facebook, Snapfish, Dropbox, etc.), email us a link by clicking here.
3. Mail them to us, we’ll scan them, and send them back to you:
NCSY Photo Archive
11 Broadway, 14th Floor
New York, NY 10004
*Please note we cannot be responsible for lost or damaged photos.

STEP 1: Your details

First name

Last name

Email address

Please indicate that you agree to the terms and conditions

STEP 2: Provide captions and files for up to 5 images at a time

Supported file formats: JPEG, TIFF, PNG, GIF, BMP, JPEG2000

Choose file

Provide a caption for this image

Choose file

Provide a caption for this image

Choose file

Provide a caption for this image

Choose file

Provide a caption for this image

Choose file

Provide a caption for this image

If you have more images to upload, you can use this form again after uploading has been completed.

STEP 3: Begin Upload

Please allow enough time for your files to upload when you click ‘Begin Upload’. This may be several minutes depending on the file size you are uploading.