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Join us @ 11:45 AM ET
State of NCSY

Rabbi Micha Greenland, International Director

LIVE @ 12:00 PM ET
Meal of Appreciation

Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner? You choose!

How well do you really know NCSY?

Test your NCSY knowledge in this game of wits. Can you figure out if the question is a joke or factual – or both – in time?

LIVE @ 1:15 PM EST
Keynote Speaker
Rav Asher Weiss Shlit"a

Rav Asher Weiss shlit”a is among the most renowned and respected halachic authorities of our time. A true Gadol b’Yisrael and a leading Posek for the worldwide Jewish community, his unique blend of extraordinary Torah knowledge and profound insight brings thousands to hear his shiurim and seek his counsel.

Rav Weiss is a prolific author and has written tens of volumes of his “Minchas Asher” on Chumash, Shas, Halachic responsa and beyond. In addition, Rav Weiss is the Naso of the Beit Medrash for Medical Halacha, a Rosh Kollel, Av Beit Din, and posek for Shaarei Zedek hospital, responsible for answering questions that require a blend of Torah erudition, a background in medical knowledge, and sensitivity to the issues involved. Rav Weiss has a deep understanding of today’s latest medical technologies and their halachic ramifications and routinely fields weighty questions in medical halacha from all corners of the Jewish world.

LIVE @ 1:30 PM ET
Video of Appreciation
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Intro Video

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NCSY Summer