Parshat Bemidbar From Shir HaMaalot

“It’s All Spiritual” By: Hadassah Kolchin, West Hempstead NCSY “And the children of Israel did all that Hashem commanded Moshe, that is the way they encamped according to their...

Parshat Bemidbar From NCSY Torah Matters Online

The parsha opens with the census of the Jewish people. Moshe is told, “Countthe Jewish people, according to their families.” (1:2) However, the exact phrase used is, literally, “Se’u...

Parshat Bemidbar From Aish HaNER

In the first Pasuk of Bemidbar it says “And Hashem spoke to Moshe in the Sinai desert, in the Mishkan, on the first day of the second month (Iyar),...

Parshat Beha’aloscha From Shir HaMaalot

“Look For the Positive” In Parshat Beha’alotcha, it says the following: “The people took to seeking complaints, it was evil in the eyes of G-d (Bemidbar 11:1). Rashi says...

From Torah Matters Online

In this week’s parsha, Hashem sends Moshe to tell the Jews they will be freed. When they didn’t listen to him, Moshe’s stick turned into a snake by being...

Parshat Toldos From West Coast NCSY

Parashat Toldot: Rivkah is barren and she and Yitzchak pray for a child G-d answers Yitzchak’s prayers and Rivkah conceives Rivkah gives birth to twins, Yaakov and Eisav Eisav...

Parshat Vayishlach From Torah MiSinai

Toward the end of this parsha we witness the death of our matriarch, Rachel, while giving birth to Binyamin. She was buried by the road in Beit Lechem. Why...

Parshat Vayishlach From Aish HaNER

In this week’s parsha, the Torah forbids eating a certain ligament called the gid hanasheh. This seems extraneous, since the Gemara tells us that the ligament is tasteless and...

Parshat Vayeishev From West Coast NCSY

Vayeishev: Yaakov settles in the land of his father, in Canaan Yosef would bring evil reports about his brothers to his their father Yaakov shows favoritism to Yosef and...