Picking Up The Pieces 

Posted on December 26, 2014

So much learned in so little time! I knew that Yarchei Kallah was going to be full of learning and text, but I had no idea to what extent. Spending literally the entire day learning could not have been more exhilarating!

This morning we learned with our groups and senior advisors about how to analyze text for a deeper meaning. The patterns in text reveal a deeper meaning of the thematic journey and lessons the story provides. While I had heard about various ways of uncovering messages, I had never experienced it. We found the patterns in Yonah that had the root “up”. By examining the placement of the words in the story, we found that when faced with a massive task, people either rise to the occasion or sink under its weight — and having the intention to “rise up” doesn’t necessarily mean the intention will be followed through.

When it comes to Torah learning, there is always something more to learn or further explore. We went to sessions on different books, which were later given to us for our own Jewish library. Ranging from biblical text to modern application, the opportunities offered to us in one hour could last a lifetime. In one session, the staff member introducing a book about how to break down mysticism and apply it to everyday life said, “It’s not about what you have, it’s about what you gain.”

Many concepts I had never understood became clear to me. No matter where you are in life, you have the ability to become a better person and spread goodness in the world.


Bessie Zolno, 11th grade – Oakland Technical High School